So again I am notified the beauty of almost like being dropped or placed within a room where the Creator signifies- "Wakeup, its time whatever you want... I Am You and You are...Me!" So lets have a conversation I said... God said: "well alright, would you like to get comfortable ;) as if you arent already right?" I Say: "Okay Okay haha, Your right, I guess this is pretty perfect if I may use such terms, or, shall, thee..? well... ok, sorry you continue-" God: "Well what do you want? I mean, in all honestly, I am the Designer, Controller and Sustainer... how else should I put it? o! your documenting this... interesting ;) ok than lets have fun here and let me tell you some MegaCool information that you'll enjoy typing, hearing, reading, feeling, ya know..." "No, you dont have to say anything, ill continue, it makes it easier for this paper to be written if I do that talking. make sense?" Me: "Yes-God?" "Okay, so, well its obvious I know everything in the entirety of everything that can be, for everything that could be, I have thought of, and because I am who I am, well... I can make it all happen... and whats that? you wonder how I manifest something? well let me put it simple, what is, will be, and thats that. I dare not tempt myself to pursuade my own creation to believe this or that, rather, I enjoy doing it all and just being me. no toxic currupts me and I am everything you can comprehend and than some." Me: "Ok, this is getting deep, well.. your saying that, my words, my thoughts, my comprehension of all this is in actuality, you." God: "exactly, and those like you who truely seek the innermost reality controller of all that ever has been and is, will find me, because I am everywhere, and to be plain simple, I have a plan. Did I loose you? Of course not, I cause the chaos and the majestic peace whenever I desire. Its funny to think I design everything.. I dare test your ideal mind to try to really understand the magnitude of what this means. Would you like to say anything?" Me:" What should I do with this article...? I feel like.. well... Moses on the mountain..." God: "Exactly! how awesome right? haha... can you try imagining me laughing? :)" Me:"Well. God- if I may so address you as that as I type this..." God:"Let me interject, of course, you can look and think of anything and basically know me... take for example the birds and the grass, I tend it and cocotrole it. Even the might winds and rolling planets being created in my mind far before they are destined to have such animalistic and herbal stuff grown on them... Let me continue... To put this into a easier perspective, imagine your place: divine and supreme, because, well, your me. and if your me, you are basically everything else you see feel and are. How cool is that!" Me:"Im a bit mystified and well, lost for words to even say, id rather listen to this because I feel your telling me all this for a good reason... is that... something among the lines of... destiny? or is it my freewill..." God:"Well, as you notice when the moment comes, and, well, time goes by like a memory and I make it so you kinda forgrt it because I have so much more to experience. and, well, I am the God here... I am experiencing myself through my own creations... Let my explain a easy example that will help... Look at the grass, it yeilds a beautiful creation and I made it, designed it myself and it works, it helps other things and it takes things to help itself, but all in all, I am everything it needs. do you get this?" Me:"Need I even comment? By this point I feel you designed me right?" God:"Yup" Me:"And there isnt anything I need to tell you because..." God:"Yup, I know it" Me:"So..." God:"Yea... well this is kinda all there is for all who seek, this knowledge is basically the paramount reason for all that exhist..." Me:"So..." God:"Yes?" God:"Woa there! loaded question there, let me bring ya back and let me try to examine and correct you ;) as if you needed it, because you are perfect, and need of only Me..."