As he came close, he paused and said:  We do not need to be introduced; we need not be formal.  I salute you as true brothers.  I extend my hand and clasp that of myself.  Do I hesitate to embrace myself?  Not so, for I love you as myself.  Together with God Principle, we love the whole world.  I am as you are, nameless, ageless, eternal.  Together, in true humility, we stand in the Godhead.   He thanked us and began by saying: You need not fear any animal.  If you do not fear them, they will not harm you in any way. You have seen a body inactive on the ground before a village, for the protection of the inhabitants.  That is only a physical sign to the people.  The body is exposed, inactive, and at the mercy of the beast; though inactive, it remains unharmed and the people note that fact.  Thus they lose all fear of the animal.  The moment they have lost their fear, fear vibrations are not projected; and the animal, failing to pick up any fear vibrations, does not see the people as something to feed upon any more than he sees the tree, grass, or huts about him, as they project no vibrations of fear.  The animal may pass directly through the same village where formerly he had selected the one he would feed upon, as that one was emanating the greatest fear. Love an animal and it must reciprocate with love; if it resists love, it will destroy itself before it can harm you.  The animal is far more conscious of this condition than the human. Approach the animal as your enemy and you have an enemy to contend with; approach him as a brother and you have a friend and protector. Death in no way removes Karma; neither does it destroy or erase it.  Death adds to and magnifies Karma many fold, thus heaping it in great billows upon each human unit.  The instant you let go of death and rebirth, you are free from death and Karma; both are erased.  If erased, they are forgotten; if forgotten, they are forgiven. Stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord within you.'  Stand completely still in the physical and see the complete salvation that the Lord Christ of God, standing forth as your true self, can give you.  Thus, I perceived and stated the law that Abraham made use of so long ago.  It is just as true this day as it was at that time.  Manifestations take form as they are conceived in thought, word, or action, according to your belief.  If the thought is not good, the remedy is, 'Change your thought.  Call those things that be not, as though they were.' Declare you are the Christ and command the self to live true to this ideal concept in thought, word and deed; thus you do conceive and bring forth the Christ.  These vibrations once established are never diminished, though the unit or individual be unconscious of their existence; but if you keep on and on, you will become conscious of these vibrationswhich is a far greater experience than any other could be.  Thus, the focal point which is established is true and can never be erased and to this point every human unit must eventually come.  To such the whole wide vista of the Universe is opened and there are no restrictions added to or imposed upon the individual.   If you would realize, as I did and as so many have done, that it is far easier to work out your own problem in one earthly experience than it is to go on and on and accumulate a race consciousness of good and evil that soon becomes an encrusted shell; Until you do break the shell and release your true self, you will continue to be ground in the same vortex.  You can work until you have released yourself sufficiently to get a glimpse of the horizon's 'grander view.'  Here again you cease to struggle, your mental vision is cleared, but your body is still encased in the shell.  Realize that the newborn chick, when its head is free from its shell, must still go on with the struggle.  It must be entirely free from its old shell or environment before it can grow into the new, which it has sensed and perceived as soon as it has broken a hole through the shell once encasing the egg from which it grew. - You fail utterly to see that, after this great awakening or realization within myself, it took long days and nights of struggle in seclusion and silence, all alone, right within myself and with myself.  Then, when the self was conquered, it took the far greater and more bitter experiences of personal contact with those I loved dearly and to whom I wished to show the light that I had perceived; knowing it was the light that burns so brightly, lighting the path of every child of God that is created or that comes into the world. ... prove for himself alone that God is divine; and that man, His true son, born in His image and likeness, is as truly divine as the Father is divine; and that this divinity is the true Christ... The promise is, Principle cannot break its own law.  We ask for strength to erase the evil thought that law can be broken or that there is a power that can oppose God Power.  As God is all Power, God must answer prayer. Ra: I am Ra. I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation. This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third. It contains planetary entities within your solar system, and it contains planetary entities from other galaxies.1 It is a true Confederation in that its members are not alike, but allied in service according to the Law of One. .  The Masters do not take into consideration any plane outside of the Spiritualthe Spiritual made manifest.   The element of consciousness is thought and when conscious of spiritual Fact there is no difference to us between mind and spirit.  We are in a state of Spiritual Consciousness. That which we call space is in reality the One Spiritual Mind.  That is the Principle by which the human soul, which is the replica of the Spiritual mind, can overcome time and space, for there is no such thing as time and space in Spirit.  In Spirit all is complete and in completeness there can be no such thing as time or space.  This is what is meant by letting the same mind be in you which was also in Christ.  It is a state of complete oneness existing in fact between the individual and the Universal soul and it must become a conscious fact to the individual.  That is the complete Mind, the controlling mind, functioning through the individual consciously. In Jesus' talks His greatest statement was Peace be still.   When man thinks the thoughts of God after Him his mind is then spiritualized or functioning in its true field with God thoughts, thinking as God thinks or, more accurately, knowing as God knows.  The human mind thinks; the God Mind KNOWS. I am always that which I AM IN SPIRIT, not what I seem to be in experience or what I have experienced in the world.  No matter what I have gone through or seem to be going through, I still remain what I am in the original sense, the Image and Likeness of God. Spirit takes no account of evil, of loss, lack, poverty, disease.  These are but blind spots in human consciousness.  To the mind that KNOWS, there are no such things and it goes right on with that which it KNOWS and IS. The larger the group or the greater the number of persons in a group, the greater the influence.  The greater the influence the greater the impetus always.  Therefore, it is said that if a group of one hundred would sit in Samadhi, or complete silence, that influence created would suffice for thousands.  Therefore, thousands would be elevated to a greater enlightenment by that one hundred. It should be remembered, however, that this concentration or One-pointedness is an expanded state of mind and not a contracted state.  It comes through the principle of relating all things rather than through the mistaken idea of excluding anything.  Samadhi permits the individual to see directly through to the whole, the Truth or Principle. This paragraph should forever free the student from the idea that concentration is a state of mental fixity or focusing the mind on thoughts, ideas, pictures, or objects.  Concentration is that expanded state of mind to take in the Oneness of all things rather than an attempt to exclude anything from the thought.  It is a process of relating all things to the Source. . . . they that would have cooperation must cooperate by the giving of self to that as is to be accomplished-whether in the bringing of light to others, bringing of strength, health, understanding, these are one in Him . . . This is a natural consequence of self service, self sacrifice, self bewilderment, in Him. Being the channel is cooperation. Being a blessing is it in action. In whatever state of being, meet that upon the basis of their position-and lift up, look up-and this is cooperation. . . . All are in that position of being able to be used, if they will but recognize their opportunities day by day in their choices of dealings with their fellow-men. What is the choice? That as creates love, hope, faith, patience, kindness, gentleness in the experience . . . Selfishness and self-interest separate us, isolate us from the rest of humanity, and this sense of separateness makes people immune to their needs, thus throwing the social structure out of balance.