I veiw myself in the image of Father God, Creator of all things. I Am Beautifully Made, from head to toe. I see God work through all things daily, and God sees in me all the way through. I live to help others. Not my will, but Yours God, in and through me. I am forgiven of all my short-comings- grace. May i live in kindness, listening to Gods guidence within me to do all things. To encourage others and bring peace and joy to all. I pray that all i do be light. May my words be pure and righteous, unselfish and loving. I pray to live unselfishly and righteously. I pray for clear thoughts, setting ideals, seeing purpose, pure and judgement-free, not lusting towards anything, being comforted by focusing on truth, wisdom, and understanding. knowing everything i need to know for my daily doings. May my motivations be to love unconditionally, truthfully, and righteously, being graceful, and compassionate, seeing life through the eyes of God, accomplishing all that God tells me to do, noticing the beauty and creating harmony, all while being undefiled or caught within the worlds desires, seeking spiritual everlasting life, becoming and being One with God-head. To master the quietness of reflection, the wisperedness of prayer, the silence of meditation, and the deepness of dreams. to know myself to be myself, yet one with the whole. Not my will God, but Yours, in and through me.