For what is the reason, that of non-conclusive beings, covered in light with love, everso connecting while maintaining a esteemed figure of consciousness, universally growing. awesomely amazing euphoric bliss... Be aware, of what you pray for, that is what you believe, and what you believe, is what you desire, and what you desire will ultimately be your choice of destiny, than, life will correctly preform a path for you to pursue that destiny. Ah is life ever so beautiful, forever everlasting, till when be the end- neverending joy of ultimate pleasure, for that is truely what we seek- and indwelling with that pleasure we seek to continue that joy knowing it will be ever enduring towards. So than, efficiant timing is neccesary for a good time to arise, in so doing one will realize the benifits one reaps while looking up on the seeds that have been planted before this moment, and when the fruit is due timing to enjoy-enjoy this is responsible knowledge not to seek a self glorification, but to benifit a reason for doing what your doing, than will the purpose arise in your mind knowing what desire you seek, enabling you to change modify or fix any issues and focus on those greatly awesome times. Joy than, being one of the greatest of feelings outbeating all negativity and enthroning love with ease, that what we shall seek shall be amung the lines of not only love, but joy, and not only joy, for joy alone is void of many things, but joy along with destiny, knowledge, wisdom, friends, and pleasure is good, for there is joy in the presense of work and pain, which is a different joy, the type most have experienced however the better, being joy of fun, desire and heaven at hand will be the life moments that will send you excited into the future! Knowledge, Wisdom and good fruit of the soul, this is what may move you forward and beyond. Love is a happening alltogetherness of many different types of feelings, choices, actions and reactions. Illuminate the eyes! and in so doing, become aware of the light you are dwelling in, being able to change, yes, and directly influencing the experience you retain as well as others. Look at others the way you want people to veiw you. Again i pray to You Father to guide my life for the greatest righteous way You have to accomplish. For the fact that I Know You Know... So than this i pray, Yahuwah, Your will be done, for the love and life of the universe, to guide me to accomplish my mission, with strength fluency focus and overcoming all obsitcals that teach me lessons, Amen illuminating is my desire.. So than, be someone who observes, defending whats good and respecting the opportunity to allow someone to feel the God power. Why texture is so imporant is based upon levels of consciousness. So than, when we remember the Father, how our power to create comes when we realize we are the Son, the annointed, and the Father; the Source, and all things have come for the Son with due respect to the Father. So than, life is enhanced and the mystery is no longer a mystery, that of happening for a desired and pre destined purpose of realization, the Father in us, the Son, and the Ruah Ha Qodesh which is called also Set Apart Breath. being greatness, achieving the mission always in righteousness. We can know all things, simply by focusing into the Universal Mind Substance. and than!- HalleluYah! i live a awesome life given and designed by Yahuwah Elohim, and not that i have boasting power, but realizing my mind, i humble myself responsibly for the designed purpose of being all together and as one, following the good laws of life, creating the best karma one can achieve, illuminating and rising in the realms of consciousness till we reach the God partical, the Creative Forces, Yahuwah. And the mysteries unfold that one may take what they see and feel from the text, and switching towards focusing up on thoughts, one may achieve a better enhanced mind through the intake and holding action through eyes ears nose and mouth, for we and i am designed for it to be as is! than we see the Father, Abba, Yahuwah, I Am who I Am, with Yahushuwah, Yahuwah Saves, Yahuwah I Am who I Am Saves The Annointed One, and than who is Mashiah! is it ourself? Achieve it, Master it, so that we see life and give what we desire. Every color and background image has a reason. we can enjoy a challenge by letting Elohim choose something for us, rather can we trust our own ability to recognize and realize how Yahuwah the I Am who I Am, do everything through us, than all revelations express who we are and we understand that we all talk to and about ourself daily for a destiny gold worth of information. Why the reasoning of fear, love is here this very moment. So than, the Father being the Creator, is living through us individually. The way we design ourself is a representation of what we are and believe in. Be critical of self, for what we hear see feel and do effects us greatly. Our body will adapt to our future outcomes, that is, what Yahuwah God Almighty has in plan, therfor if God lives in us and through us, through the Holy Spirit Ruah Ha Qodesh, we are than the Annointed Ones that were prophesized from the beginning of time, Yahushuwah who is also called Jesus, is the First and Ultimate tool that Yahuwah has so created, He is the role model and blueprint that we have and will live in a matter of time. We being the Annointed shall not abuse the special power we obtain, speaking words, looking through the eyes, and feeling of the flesh, being a outspoken being who rises above, by natural design, those around may not understand, thinking their way is the truth and right way. Knowing such we should than be guided by your own understanding, where we read is for our eyes and many others, however, the combination of events may be only for us individually, so that it makes us unique, so therfor we should be in prayer and meditation throughout the day being in a at-one-moment with whome we call God, Creator, Designer and Sustainer, Yahuwah. Life is Great, and all that we have discussed, experienced, and lived are written inside our subconscious and lives abundantly throughout the supercounscious, so that we should treat our thoughts as if they are physical, words to be rembered and heard, and so our voice is only a projection in the realm of physical that we live in temporarly to learn and experience lessons of life, for it may be true that the physical is our only time to learn unless we are compatible with reincarnation for purpose and destiny. So that once we die in flesh and move into the full spirit realm of afterlife and shamayim which is called heaven, we are fully exposed and no longer live in a flesh-like state where we believe we have privacy but only to realize we are temporarly private from other non-aware fleshlike beings, for spirits in the afterlife or spirit realm already live inside of our minds knowing where we are and what we are thinking and feeling, thus being said we should realize how powerful we are inside, and mastering ourself, we may live our full potential in flesh and be prepaired for the afterlife in confidence. What we experience may be that we experience the experiences through other people, even unto learning the lessons they could of learned, applying them into our own life so that we can either wait to experience those same situations, or learn to avoid or overcome such obsticals. I than had a important message taught to me, so we were once a universal togetherness, with no anger, frustration or hiearchy, as we gravitated towards earth we became interested in it. We learned to experience earth and what it offered to learn and test our ideals, which lead to more dense minds and corrisponding with the earthly realm resulted in some becoming less connected and aware to the spiritual world. Than we realize we are here to experience life, test ideals, and help others get re-connected. For we should not worry about the thoughts of the world projecting negativity towards us, Yahuwah is good to protect us and keep us safe, doing His will and accomplishing the mission we are here for. UNIQUE STYLES BRING UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES! As prayer and meditation cause you yourself as the i in me to connect and stay connected with Yahuwah, God, Elohim, Father, Sustainer, Creative Force, Universal Mind Substance, this we know is good and having purpose to rise above all things, overcome all obsticles and move mountains. We should never be afraid to withhold ourself from this flesh physical world because we need to remember and project the Great Truth which is spiritual and mental. We than should see the historical past beautiful and amazing yet causing us to remember what we came here to do, the compassion and favour of God. What we are doing, and what will come of things, more importantly we should always subject ourself to Yahuwah God Elohim I Am to do all things. All things will be made perfect and revelations will unfold as we grow in knowledge wisdom truth and understanding. Patience, love and kindness. Fluency and awareness. Focus and productivity. Skills, passion and rememberance. Prayer and expectations. love life with Yahuwah. Never allow yourself to be influenced by misleading evil. Recognize good works and Thank Yahuwah in Shamayim. Inspiring to grow is good, but let Yahuwah Elohim guide you in order to do what he desires and is according to His plan to use you, for His Esteem. Be wise in confidence with Yahuwah to make good decisions, He will guide you faithfully to esteem Him and make your life better. What is accomplished one could look upon it and see what they accomplished through God's will. i learned that we adapt to what we know through what God reveals and teaches us. choose to be with God within the reality that is all around, than when God reveals to us new things, we have understanding through Yahuwah. Some thoughts we think, stop, than realize that thus is such example of things not to discuss or entertain thought towards helping us lay our minds upon the qodesh sacred words such as infinity, purpose, desire, obedient, good, safe, protected, watched, guided as Yahuwah desires. Some actions may need correcting or change magnifying a greater purpose or amplified increase of good energy. Some great ideas bring us into a place of conversation that helps us realize the reason behind wanting to change, trying to, than seeing for the reality that i could and would be, yet focused on compassion, giving, helping, nuturing, friendly good actions. Some ideas or continued thoughts may or should not be entertained to allow you to stay connected and straight focused. we stay unique to experience different realms of life as Yahuwah desires. Unique and Awesome. Some things i realized come from our deepest connections to life, some surfaceable and other following through our Earthly incarnations, as some are drawn from other realms or spirit worlds, heaven, or another universe, being helping factors and influences to gather a collective purpose due for each and everyone, togetherness as a whole. Universe. some moments be so detailed, one may complete the equal balance by not acting, than, most certainly, we are revealed the purpose and reason, and even, we grow from that, or experience the greatest joy that springs from the Creative Forces Amen. Maximum capacity is only what we believe at that moment. So than when we live, we know what causes us to live, purpose everlasting. united and strong, yet humble in the face of the world knowing to be at peace. No war. returning to a place where you are One with the Creative Forces, understand certain moments inspire or result in certain moments, taking opportunities are a desire and choice building our charector and experience, as we learn we know perfectly how to react within our own realitive perspective, to our reactions for our initial action. One may strongly desire something when knowing it will or may be veiwed, disected and thought of while someone projects their reactions knowing they could also be veiwed as actions. To realize our full potential, we may wait, or experience perfect opposite for situational experiences Also, again and over multiple repititioning, we feel the moment arising, know the future, and amplify the positive path of expectational euphoric bliss. We Create The Living Goals That We So Desire And Built. Let us pray and meditate constantly forever KNOW THE BORDERS OF LIMITATION BEING ONLY THAT THING YOU SHALL NOT DO FOR IS NOT YOURS TO BE. Some people are aware and live in a more detailed, while others have yet to experience such things. Know your life moderators, than accomplish each part for the loving good goal that is righteous. Every Moment Has Purpose. Things Change. There is always time for prayer and meditation. Project your mind wherever you go, let it be your mind, dreams, goals, desires and above all, the sorrounding at one moment with the Creative Forces. Always use good business standards. Treat your body like a temple, a house, careful and mindful of what you expose it too and what you draw inside and radiate. as i mentioned, i want us to be the best of the best, that meaning healthy righteous good joyous and all that goodness along with love, contained in that is building and maintaining a highly illuminated and healthy life along with reflecting that in business, living, waking up, sleeping, house decoration, cleanliness and forming and growing a family. So than i understood the spiritual factor of one person leaving lingering energies inside my mind, and being that Yahuwah God in all goodness, have prioritized many tools to help me, it is my own duty and responaibility to see them and change them. So that than now i pray for cleansing, righteousness, as i repent from not doing my upmost duty to maintain the Mashiah consciousness of Oneness in Universal and all Love, Respect and Fluency. So now, as i be cleansed and forgiven through the life and teachings of Yahushuwah Ha Mashiah, he has said, be healed, you are healed, you are forgiven, they are nailed to the stake, now live abudantly, and sin no more. Reality shifts with purpose according to your current situations, knowing what God has taught you, Yahuwah will provide the path for you to live and do according to His plans. What are we, and where did we come from...A Divine Mind, Substance? Than what purpose do we serve and live, by what code or law... Does the Divine Substance, Creative Forces, God...Have Communication with us individually? If so, do we hear it verbally, see it as words on paper, feel it as cold and heat... What if we are apart of the Divine Code, the Purpose, and we are the Voice, the Writer, and Energy to Sojourn within the universe and be as Gods, representing as our Origin, Sustainer and Creative Force Yahuwah Elohim Is and Does. What is our purpose than? If it's a togetherness experience, lets make sure all are at peace, joyfull, righteous, healthy, truthfull and loving, by showing, and living it, others will adapt, and respond. Is not one of the most impotant things in life to remember and love Yahuwah, I Am who I Am, Elohim, Creative Forces, and likewise the second to love your neighbor as yourself, being expanded to love, peace, humble, communicative, respectfull, clean, patient, kind, forgiving, working towards a togetherness, illuminating, praising I Am who I Am in righteousness by following the Universal Law, Code, Rules, Torah. By this we will know who are children of God, Elohim, Yahuwah. Everything is recorded, remembered and seen in the Book of Life, Universal Mind Substance, Superconscious, Library of Kowledge, and all may seek it, see it, and use it as they desire, it is free having no regulations of knowing, however it is our duty to use it wisely for the greater good that Yahuwah desires. We may experience, till the coming day, where when we stay in a qodesh, set apart place, that of oneness and supreme ultimate power, at peace, and fully knowledgeable, that of a new charector, being more active and movemental while continuing to realize the God Factor, the Supreme Authority, who indwells within you, and is the Force that all things are made possible, this is, I Am Who I Am, YaHuWaH. Health is a beauty, a constructive alltogetherness of both physical and spiritual. God is so good, that a relationship with the Creative Forces will allow one to see beyond all measures, comprehending the happenings for a purpose so desireable and great, that only that person can believe it were true, in so much as to explain how if one were to connected with Yahuwah, God, Creative Forces with trust and peace, one may enjoy the hours of a day more abundantly, even so, while trusting in and through the God who dwells within you, one can magnify the glorification of God, and each person being able to relate, may pick up on good ethic of relations to God, Creative Forces Yahuwah Amen. Jesus, whome we call the greatest, a Master who has been taught most by Elohim God Almighty, knowing Truth and Righteousness as if they were created by Him, and so even as his teachings apply, the illumination of each man resides in his own free will, that being the at-one-moment with God the Father, Yahuwah Elohim, where we all have come from and will become one with again if so desired. Than one must see the choices each has every moment of exhistence, because earth is not the only living place within the universe, surely souls travel faster than any manmade physical object can carry a body, for as the soul, like consciousness, is indescribeable, the abilty that resides in the mind and heart, spiritually speaking, are beyond physical representation, however, physical manifestations are surely one of the best ways to show the spiritual, relate to, and live as to experience and learn from. Always enjoy and inlove the moments where Elohim says within you 'todays going to be a good day' and even unto 'tonight is going to be a good night, you will enjoy :)' And God showed me, never worry, but trust in the word of YaHuWaH, and all things are possible and made good! One shall learn to never force, but allow good works to arise, listening to the spiritual nature of the soul, learning from the Divine Source, the Father, who will dwell inside, as the Center of Belief, Trust, Peace and Power, to do all things, forever everlasting. Selah. Just as a man sifts for gold, one must not fear nor worry during the day, nor the hour, for patience will tell the truth and the undesireable will fade, for the valuable, the lessons, the treasure in both physical and spirit will hold it's rightfull place in mind, and in heart. And i realized again, the Great Spirit has been working through the world; righteousness, in order to bring progression upon all who dwell thereon, and all who live by the Way of God, in Right-Rulings, Love, Christ Consciousness, Prayer and Meditation shall see it coming near as tho it is not far off, for the future becomes today, and dreams of yesterday become the beliefs that be more manifested into the day we live in now. Truely the days become better, and illumination of each and everyone will surely be, for all come from the perfect place of the Universal Mind Substance, and will be there again. Everything has a purpose, once we shall see and believe that in our hearts as a firm foundation for every living moment, than no worries or fear will ever take hold or grip ones life, for Mastering the belief system allows the flood gates of euphoric bliss to unfold, seeing with new eyes what was, is, and is to come. All Thoughts are recorded into the Universal Mind Substance. Always listen to the voice of YaHuWaH in your heart, it is truth! Be well aware of the spiritual, it will reap great rewards when one consistantly stays in love and vibrant goodness, than it will radiate through the universe and as the law of karma and like a echo, it is only a matter of time till you recieve the righteous reward. There is always a time for meditation, and a time for fluential motion, when living physically, fix your gaze upon the Father, the Origin, Creative Forces, Universal Mind Substance, Yahuwah Elohim, tho do understand that in some situations, those who fix their beliefs and reactions from the physical may need a physical example being oblivious to the mental and spiritual, tho it is not a desireable effect one must experience, know as it is written to keep oneself unstained from the world, but as we are sent into the world, with a mission and purpose, so we will accomplish it all, as it is also written. The Universe, that being the created field of life, is also the ground of which your thoughts and actions vibrate to a unique pattern that harvest and show the reality of your mind, in so much as the body, reflecting the mind, and spitiual attributes of a soul body. For a fine line it is that we see and understand with current knowledge, that of adapting to the now, and later to realize the good it serves, that of speaking not of old age thinking, but allowing the answer to arise when one will follow God's Voice within you, for God is love, and righteous, and all that God does will serve a greater purpose than if it were not of happened. So than, being that we all become what we are through the Creative proccess Elohim has unfolded from the dept of The Divine Mind, Be Good, Be Aware, Be Conscious of Elohim, The Universal One, God. Harvest The Greatness of a Relationship and Mastering what our Mind and Soul is able to do through Elohim. God is life, God is everything. I Pray For: Peace Love Harmony Oneness Elohim Respect Knowledge Wisdom Truth Boldness Humbleness Protection Guidence Decernment Health Strength Focus Fluency Awareness Consciousness Enlightenment Purpose Productivity Righteousness Fruit Forgiveness Hazon/Revelations Perfection If one can control their spirit, they may control their body, and likewise, if one may control their body, they can control their spirit. In a sense than, control what you can, on both sides, learn to Master Yourself, and Elohim will dwell within your life being both, acting, controling, and guiding the spiritual and physical. Just as you serve in this world as a divine unique substance that holds and radiates special traits according to your desired work, than God be so, allowing certain members of your soul family, called angels or malakim, aside you during critical times in life. being so, they will do things not only to help you and amplify your vibrations, but also combined with your good works, together, forming a strong successfull vibration.