Thank you Yahuwah for being the answer i seek, when i seek you and your divine way, surely you answer without hesitation. Amen. Continue to be connected with me physically mentally and spiritually so i make all the right thoughts actions and reactions. Amen. Thank you for the many lifetimes and many years of productivity. truely my life and everlasting comes from your source. May all who are involved in keeping me and beloning to the group of similarity be joyful, satisfied and in peace, may i recognize love more abundantly and love unconditionally without destructing my life for the path and way i must live. forever my heart will belong to torah, the righteous way of the most high, shamayim belongs, and may i be a child of elohim, living righteously, being one with Yahuwah, knowing what i want and need to know, hearing my path that i should take, knowing what i should think and say, at all times, forever until i walk through the door of death, in flesh, for in this physical realm of life, i have struggled between physical mental and spiritual, but all knowing, Yahuwah elohim will not leave me nor forsake me and my path, for Elohim yahuwah, you have generated me from your source, from before all foundations were made, you knew my path and constructed a good way for me to live, to be with whome i am designed to be with, and to do according to what i shall be doing, to be able to work in ways that are signs and wonders, for life and all, may i be cleansed of all unrighteousness, filling me with directions, focus, fluency, awareness, revelation, knowledge, wisdom, love, kindness, words, righteousness, thoughts, images, ideas, ways, power, humbleness, peace, joy, health, and life abundantly in oneness, obedience, trust, patience, straight, good, light, life and all things according and belonging to my daily and momentary actions to cause life to become better, always, without hurt, pain, loneliness, failure, sadness, or selfishness. i pray this all to you Yahuwah My Elohim, Shamayim, Yahushuwah Ha Mashiah. Torah, Mattithyahu, Yahudah, Yisra'el, Kepha, Selah. HalleluYah. Compassion. Favour. Malakim. Shamayim. Tehillim. Vision. Hazon. Ruah. Qodesh. Ibri. Talmidim. Creative Forces. Most High. Power. Authority. Everlasting. Creator. Designer. Source. Father. Yahuwah. God. Almighty. Most High. Master. Soveriegn. Designer. Sustainer. Source. Protector. Teacher. Life Holder. Beauty. Powerful. Esteemed. Wisdom. Knowledge. Life. Hai. Love. Light. I Know You Are Real, And In This Life, As I Am, I Choose To Be Right In All I Do, Learning To Do Whatever Is Chosen By Love, Righteousness, Yahuwah Almighty Father Creative Forces Elohim.... I Am Who I Am. With All Power Coming And Being Created By Yahuwah, Focus It On Only That Which Will Magnify And Amplify Love, Respect, Power, Kindness, Unity, Harmony, Peace, Comfort, Protection, Abundance, Health, Joy, Wisdom, Righteousness, And Awareness, Rememberance, And A Light Lovely Path And Way In This Universe To Accomplish And Experience What We Shall. Amen. - -- - --- -- --- --- -- - - --- - - - Father, Thank You For this day, and may you bless it, for all you do is a wonder, and the magnification of peace, that You are, and I am, one together, the humble comfort and protector, shamayim and mattithyahu... How good you are, full of goodness and esteem, i praise you, and may our connection be everso amplified so that our days may become greater and obtaining more purpose, accomplish more in this world. Teach me your great wisdom, and knowledge that i may live, love, and act better. you deserve the respect and honor for healing all kinds, sustaining our being, and developing our consciousness for the esteem you desire us to be brought into. like family, we are together in unity and harmony, may i never forget the good knowledge and wisdom, truth and decernment to act righteously and live with love, being wise to make good my works words and thoughts to do what is needed and to fulfill my daily desires. protect me in all i do, for if i am in accord with you, surely i will be divinely protected, malakim, shamayim, ruah ha qodesh, yahushuwah ha mashiah. Selah. cleanse my body of all impurities Elohim Yahuwah. build me how you so want. flesh physical mental spiritual show me, lead me, and teach me what you desire Yahuwah. Creative Forces. Source. Energy. Life. Love. Light. Most High. Elohim. Father, my thanks is to you, forever and always. remove from my life all that is not compatible with the perfect way in which i shall live abundantly by, and instead, amplify my strength, focus, oneness, awareness, knowledge, wisdom, fluency, and desire, to be alligned and connected with Your Divine Mind, and in so doing, know what i should, and what i will do. For by doing what You desire, and what is right, all things will be made right, and good vibrations will fill my life, i will learn what is intended, i will be full of joy, i will enjoy waking up and going to bed, i will be void of all impure intentions, actions, thoughts, words, and things. Show me the mysteries that are compatitible and good with this life i live. Lead me straight and pure, for if i am created to lead others, let your will be done. and if i am to walk alone, let it be so. for my desire and will to walk talk think and live is by your torah, your heart, your love, and your esteem. Be magnified of Yahuwah Elohim, Creative Father whome designs and controls all things. Advance me and make me better, in thought word and deed. Make me pure, strong, and healthy, to live according to how i was designed. amen. help me in all i do, stay within my mind and heart, guide my every move, make perfect the timing of all things, cleanse this life i live from all darkness and all negative vibrations, keep me one with you, cover me in light, show me the way, give me strength and lead me, direct me, command me to live a good life, joyfull, amazing, beautiful, pleasureable and fun, as it was and is intented. renew my sense of well being, allow me to help others if so possible. but all in all, let us Yahuwah, be one and connected better, hearing your voice, manifesting and creating as you make possible, to use the knowledge, wisdom, power and decernment for good. fill me with truth, show me the way, and be within me and live through me, forever and always. Amen. Rectrict me from what is negative, wrong, selfish, and unrighteous. guide me and lead me in strength, confidence, fluency, focus and belief, for good, love, life, truth, helpfulness, kindness, patience, boldness, humbleness, knowledge, wisdom, decernment, friendship, communication, relation, actions, beauty, songs, actions, words, creativity, balance, harmony, and shamayim, selah, amen. direct my eyes, ears, nose, lungs, and all my body functions, let me enjoy the embracing factor of all being turned to the good power of Yahuwah Elohim, may i endure life pleasureably doing righteousness and living love. amen.