How do I begin to explain how beautiful this experience is called life. It took me awhile to comprehend the magnitude of my words and what it actually takes for me to unleash such a vocal statement, for the enabling of my own conscious merged with Spirit Blessedness unto enlightenment. I have addressed the OverSee'ers whome I see no need to name at the current moment. This letter seems to account and reaccount my past present and future, as I pursue this document with a force that I myself desire, for the purpose of relaying to myself and others the nature of the universe and all that is contained. As I have tried to do so before I have been awakened to my senses and how detailed life can be as to pickup and notify of such things here there and everywhere, at all times, learning enough about such experiences feeling inspired to write such lessons learned being at-one with God, whome we call Allmighty, but might i also say that name-due, it only is as Grand as we attritube and relate such a term to such a uncomphrehendable figure, or, Allness. I seem to have found a way, a spot, a peacefully space in my life, in space-time and time-space that allows me to pursue these documents, for whatever purpose they may hold. As I re-live certain moments in my memory triggered by the accumulation of not just my daily ingestiables, but also the allness of my years, and even pushing the point further into the truth, the reality of my beingness here and now and all that I seek to know and write is a total allness of all that I am. And might I drive this lesson further without a waiting due as to list the thankfullness that flows from my heart, which is in reality God, the Spark that is within me is not a creature of human or animal nature evolved from a planet material, no- My internal Spark is Youth, the Child of God, the Manifestational Source of All. My mind trys to comprehend such a point and portray it in this writing for whatever leading purpose I have. I dare not doubt what I can do for I know that all is possible and in its true form, all is and always will. God is, and because God is, I am. for in my head and on my destiny I have been awakened to question to search to find and to test, unto my belief is in such a complex but simple testimony. How can I relate my spiritsoul and to whome may I relate to as a brother and sister on such terms.... how dare I say I am more than they, superior is to go against a belief of humbleness, and creature-like animalistic nature only seems ancient to me and that which I care-not to form into... Rather, I continue my form divine, merging with my HigherSelf whome is wholly involved with that which I dont understand yet. The feelings I have of such being neglected is related to a quarantined being forced to the path of freewill without help, but than, I am met with the immediate revelation, as to know that I am never alone, and my space-time, time-space comprehension is but minor compared to such wise and experienced beings who have before me, or, do I dare exclude the God-part of me that is equal to them? and to what part am I addressing if all is Spirit-made manifest. who am I to jump through these topics in such a way to believe what I know and trust such a wise and loving God whome created such controllers that have overlooked me before my conscious comprehension here and now..... So, as I have my mind flattened into a single factor of being in amazement and confusion of all these things I speak of, I continue to ponder, and my ponder I question: why is it these pondering thoughts I have come to know as PureSpirit simply designing, creating, and manifesting in all types of life in order to be all as God is all, than what is my place in being myself, for I am like a passenger, but yet also I am God with God as if I was God experiencing Himself. And to these conclusions I stamp my wonders and acheivements on, being that who am I to say these things, and surely I am not the first, so if I not be the first in any of such things, than what I am the first in I can say my personal life represents that which is uniquely personal to me and God and our design and creativity. And for this way that I am, have I need to be humbled into the mind of not relying on such higherpowers to help orchestrate this life I live? because surely God is All. and to whome am I looking when it can be before me for a length of time- Such a epiphany, a revelation, a mystery that I have formed to my consciousness, although God has known all before so that how do I go about in a mood or emotion, a act, anything. Dare I mention the words robot, simpy a pre destined machine walking and talking as if taking orders. How dare I try to grasp such a desire, for God as my controller holder would be such a situation... and these thoughts trouble me for where is the other, the life with the controller in my own hands, and this gives thought to who made the controller, the idea of the controller, and surely the life I am and live, the breath giver... How do I maintain myself through these letters... and surely my desires to know such things have a purpose promoting others to realize and awaken to what I have. Although I have yet to fully comprehend the reasons or exactly how it all works, this leads me to the point of what do I neccessarly do, for my creative thought can be anything, but than when I think anything I know it will be God creating the thoughts I think are mine, and that troubles me, for than what am I but God.